Devlog Day #003

Today is the third day of developing Neon Nights.

As I explained yesterday, I am currently solely focusing on graphic design. Today, I worked on the prototype of the map. I found some inspiration online and implemented an alike building style.

It looks like this is actually getting somewhere. As you can see, I removed the ugly orange building and instead made a wall with a new building style. Doors and windows are yet to come. I changed the ground so that it quickly fades into black. I also added a basic background color (I will later replace this with some sort of city skyline). I am thinking about changing the color and style of the gray building in the middle as well. I like, that I now have a scene, which looks a lot more like night and has a lot more of that atmosphere I want to transmit. I do not like, that this pretty much looks like some city, not like a retro-futuristic and dystopian city. I am not yet sure, how to add so much neon light, that the game title Neon Nights actually fits to the game and doesn't just sound nice.

Basically I now have a map which has got nothing to do with the games atmosphere; retro-futuristic/dystopian and neon. But now I at least have some sort of a prototype, which I can work on.

I worked 1 hour today.

Tomorrow I will add some windows and doors. The building in the middle is gonna be some sort of grocery store, so I will try to make this look better as well. In the valley between the two buildings, there could be trash and containers. My plan for making this look more dystopian is to add some destruction to it; broken windows, graffiti, overgrown vines, collapsed balconies, broken walls, etc. I hope that the retro-futuristic comes as soon as I add the neon lighting.

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