Devlog Day #010

This is the tenth day of developing Neon Nights.

After a bit more trying, I finally realized, that with trying to setup a generic map generation, I'm wasting my time. I still couldn't add alleys between the buildings, but to be honest, my generation code was a mess before, so I can excuse my bad work with the bad work I did before. At the end of the day, I decided to disable my generation code.

I hope my devlog wasn't too boring during the last days, especially now, that there's not even a result after days of work.

I worked 1 hour today.

My plan for the coming days is, to create some new graphics; new buildings, character animations, background, ...   Then, I will build a proto-level by hand, instead of generating it. After that I will add the lighting. From then on, we will see.

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